Affirmation Monday

Good morning

1. The willingness to listen, the patience to understand, the strength to support, the heart to care, and to be there is the beauty of a real relationship.

2. Never go away from good relations even when you find faults because a relationship needs affection, not perfection.

Make it a great day. Count your Blessings and stay Blessed.

Success relies on your daily focus and effort.

Hard work, persistence,
Late nights, rejections, sacrifices, discipline, criticism, doubts, failure, and risks come with success. Do you have what it takes to succeed?

Life Is Like A Stock

Life is like a stock. One minute you are up, then the other; you are down. It’s up to you to take the risk and ride it out or cash out and move on. Whatever you choose, remember nothing comes easy. We have to put in the work, go through the up and down to success on this thing called life.


Walk to the riddim of your gun, don’t let others force you to go faster or at a different pace. You are you, and only you know what works for you, not someone else.

Unapologetic- Self Praises

Unapologetic- One of the reasons I stand behind unapologetic as my brand is because we need to stop apologizing for who we are and who we are trying to become. Not everyone will understand you, and that’s fine; some might judge you and even criticize you behind your back, and that’s ok too.

When I post this picture of me in lingerie,


You might see sexually or me or anyone who posts sexy lingerie pic of themselves as we are looking for attention; yes, sometimes that could be the case. Still, I post this pic because I love my body; I am happy with the way I look after giving birth to two amazing kids. I want to show women out there who struggle with body image, body shaming, and self-esteem issues that you don’t need to be afraid and ashame of this beautiful temple God has given you. Feel good about your body, learn to love yourself just the way you are because if you genuinely love yourself, you are opening up everyone’s mind to love you for who you are. You are beautiful whether you are large, medium, or small; even if you have stretch marks, little marks, or no marks, you are fabulous honey in every way. Always remember there is someone out there who will genuinely madly honestly love and accept you for you. You don’t need cosmetic to fix you; work on you the natural way, boo💕💞